What Exactly Does an Endodontist Do?

What Exactly Does an Endodontist Do?


An endodontist is a dental specialist. While a general dentist provides for a wide variety of dental needs, an endodontist addresses certain specific needs of dental patients. Have you been referred to an endodontist by …

5 Signs You Cracked a Tooth

5 Signs You Cracked a Tooth

TeamCracked Tooth

A cracked tooth can happen at any time for any number of reasons. It is a common dental problem, but not always an obvious one. Unless a large visible portion of your tooth breaks off, …

Common Myths About Root Canals

Common Myths About Root Canals

TeamRoot Canals

Each year, approximately 25 million root canals are performed, saving millions of natural teeth. Yet, despite the overwhelming success rate of this endodontic procedure (97% after 10 years), unfounded myths about root canals persist. Here …

How Long Does a Root Canal Last?

How Long Does a Root Canal Last?

TeamRoot Canals

Root canal therapy, when performed by an experienced endodontist, is incredibly successful. According to recent studies, 97% of root canals were successful after ten years. Perhaps even more impressive were the findings that after 30 …

5 Signs You Have a Cracked Tooth

5 Signs You Have a Cracked Tooth


A cracked tooth is nothing to ignore! If your tooth is cracked, seeing an endodontist or dental professional right away is essential. The sooner you receive professional care, the better your odds of saving the …

What Do I Do If I

What Do I Do If I Chipped a Tooth?


A dental injury of any kind can be alarming, but taking quick action can make all the difference to the integrity of your tooth. That’s especially true if you fall, are struck, or bite down …

What Is A Pulpotomy?

What Is A Pulpotomy?

TeamRoot Canals

In the past, if a patient’s dental pulp was infected, performing a root canal or extracting the tooth were typically the only treatment options available. That’s no longer the case. A patient who doesn’t need …

What Is Root Resorption?

What Is Root Resorption?

TeamRoot Canals

Injury and dental decay are among the two most common causes of tooth loss. However, they aren’t the only potential ways patients may lose teeth. Root resorption is another cause of tooth loss that many …

What Causes Root Resorption In Teeth?

What Causes Root Resorption In Teeth?


Root resorption is an oral health condition that involves the erosion of your tooth’s root structure. This needs to be addressed by an experienced endodontist – or else it could result in irreversible damage to …

Can a Knocked Out Tooth Be Saved?

Can a Knocked Out Tooth Be Saved?


Teeth may suffer trauma from falls, sports injuries, and accidents. In some instances, teeth may leave their sockets altogether. This problem is referred to as a knocked-out or avulsed tooth. If this happens to you, …

Longevity Of A Root Canal

Longevity Of A Root Canal

TeamRoot Canals

If you’ve received a root canal, you may want to know how long the repair will last. Root canals last between eight and 10 years and even longer. A 2016 study published in the Journal …

What Is Endodontic Surgery?

What Is Endodontic Surgery?


Endodontists know that there is no tooth replacement as good as a natural tooth. Perhaps this is why endodontists make it their mission to take all steps possible to save a natural tooth – and …

man smiling in dental chair

What to Expect After a Root Canal

TeamRoot Canals

Once your endodontist performs the root canal treatment on your tooth, it is up to you to follow through with the attention and care it needs to heal. This is what will further ensure the …

woman with curly hair smiles from dental chair

Why Are My Teeth Sensitive?

TeamGeneral Dentistry, Oral Health

More than 10% of adults suffer from ongoing tooth sensitivity with many others suffering from occasional sensitivity in their teeth. Occasional tooth sensitivity is not a cause for alarm. Whitening your teeth, brushing your teeth …

female patient smiles at doctor from dental chair

How Painful Is a Root Canal?

TeamRoot Canals

Root canals have somehow acquired a reputation for being unbearably painful—so much so that any unpleasant experience is often compared to getting a root canal. This is unfortunate because if anything, root canals alleviate pain, …

an hourglass

How Long Does a Root Canal Procedure Take?

TeamRoot Canals

Most patients come to our practice without knowing much about root canals. This is understandable—dental fillings or even crowns are quite common, but not everyone is familiar with what happens during a root canal treatment …

endodontist pointing out digital X-ray to patient in dental chair

When Do You Need a Root Canal?

TeamRoot Canals

A root canal treatment is needed when the pulp tissue inside a tooth is inflamed or infected. The pulp is removed, then the tooth chamber and roots are cleaned, disinfected, and filled with a material …

woman pours smoothy in fruit-filled kitchen

What to Eat After a Root Canal

TeamRoot Canals

Are you scheduled for a root canal? Or perhaps you just got home after having one. A root canal is a common dental procedure that many people require at some point in their lives. It …

woman getting dental exam

3 Signs You Need a Root Canal

TeamRoot Canals

We’ve all heard the jokes comparing unpleasant experiences to root canals, but luckily endodontic techniques have improved over the years and root canals aren’t nearly as uncomfortable as people would have you think. We perform …